Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Reversible Woodgrain Coverlett by Sami Hayek

Looks like Target has some new wood-nuttyness for us to look forward to! Sami Hayek has been tapped to do their next back to school bedding (ok- i still cringe a little when I hear that "back to school" um... it's still only May?) it's available online, but not in stores yet - I'm curious to see what it will look like in reality- anyway- check it out here and the entire collection from Sami Hayek here. (via ATNY)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

gold tree stump table

So, West Elm have updated some of their faux bois offerings. They now have the tree stump side table, originally nice in white, now in a gold colorway. We're not sure if that's jumped the shark, but it definitely will make a statement!

Woodgrain log pillows from Norwegian Wood

Y'all know we're a sucker for woodgrain fabric logs. These are from Canadian Norwegian Wood, for sale at Supermarket. I'm sure some of you crafty folk have DIY'd your own- share with us in the comments!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Giant Robot SF Tree Show IV

Giant Robot's Tree Show IV opens tomorrow in San Francisco. Will actually be able to see it in person when I go in June. yay!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We're in the AP!

Special thanks to Holly Ramer for including us in her story about Faux Bois for the Associated Press. So weird to see Its(K)notWood syndicated! Check out the story here, including some fun items Holly found.

If you're new to It's(k)notwood, we invite you to check out our archives (to the right) we've got over two years worth of Faux Bois nutty-ness! (thanks again Holly!)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Log Lamp

Ooh! lookee- Urban has this fun white Log Lamp! $24.00 (thanks to "anonymous" -for the tip! leave your name so we can say hi!)